i·den·ti·ty: Combination of color schemes, designs, words, etc., that a firm employs to make a visual statement about itself and to communicate its business philosophy.
brand·ing: The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a service or product from other services or products.
business cards | email templates | envelopes | letterhead | newsletter template | notepads | rack cards | website
Your company identity and brand is one of the most important visual decisions you have to make as business owner. Your brand creates trust and familiarity with your customers. It needs to make you stand out. Your brand will visually articulate who and what your business stands for.
Susan Searway Art & Design has years of experience working with start-up companies, small to medium sized businesses (some who never developed a brand), and companies that have been around for years and need a re-brand of their company look and feel. Susan will take you through font choices, design options, icons, create custom bitmap icons, and/or use of photographs to get a strong brand that represents your company. From there we will implement your new band into all of your marketing materials and identity package such as business cards, letterhead, envelopes, notepads, signage etc. You and your customers will feel confident in with your new brand.
Perotti & Carrade | Certified Public Accountants
Logo | Business Cards| Letter Head | Business Mailing Envelopes
Perotti and Carrade is a full-service accounting firm serving clients in every county of the San Francisco Bay Area, in many other parts of California and throughout the country, dedicated to providing our clients with professional, personalized services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs.

Tonton Paintings | Antonia Vorster | Artist | Identity Package
Logo | Advertisement | website | Business Card
Antonia Vorster has immersed herself into her art, discovering new techniques and mediums as Tonton Paintings. The leaf of the Ginkgo tree has always been magical to Antonia…it’s shape, its’ brilliant yellow-gold color in the fall, inspiriting artists of meany centuries, and its ability to thrive as a tree species for over 270 million years. Because the leaf’s importance to Antonia we have incorporated it’s shape into Tonton Painting’s logo and insert her painting on the interior of the leaf.

Essence of Skin Care by Stephany Baker | Branding
Logo Design | Business Cards | Appointment Card | Website |Rack Card
Stephany relies on a restful environment, organic products and deep listening to gently restore your skin’s luminous qualities. While she brings years of experience to each facial or treatment, she continues to stay on top of the latest research. Stephany brought in a calendar image for inspiration for her logo. Susan Searway Art & Design created three different watercolors and then combined them to create her new logo for Essence of Skin Care by Stephany Baker.

Bay Model Association | Identity Package
Business Cards | Letterhead |Envelopes
The Bay Model Association was a nonprofit organization located to help support environmental educational programs at the Bay Model Visitor Center.

20/20 Vision | Nonprofit Fundraiser Event | Art Works Downtown
Brand Marketing Materials | Napkins | Street Sign Banner | Postcard
Art Works Downtown hosts a fundraiser event annually to help fund their commitment to as a place where artists and community connect.

Marin Professional Women’s Network – MPWN
Letterhead | Members Name Tags
Marin Professional Women’s Network was co-founded over 30 years ago – women business professionals dedicated to supporting, improving, and growing each other’s business. Below are samples of the rebrand of the group’s logo, letterhead, and name tags.

Hidden Chianti | Let Chianti Touch Your Heart | Travel
Logo | Business Cards | Advertisement Options | Letterhead
Hidden Chianti was a travel agency inspiriting people to discover Chianti and have it touch your heart. Below are their logo, ad samples, business cards, and letterhead.

Ed J. Roualdes, Contractor | Identity Package
Business Cards | Business #10 Envelopes | Order Form | Graph Paper Notepad

Simply Inspired, Susan Berke | Identity Package
Business Cards| 24″ x 36″ Signage
Susan Searway Art & Design redesign Simply Inspired business cards, the main focus was now to correspond to her website look and feel to give her company a more consistent brand. We also design and created a new banner header to be incorporated into her emailer campaigns.

True Colors Painting & Decorating, Inc.
Business Cards
True Colors Painting & Decorating, Inc. is a full service painting company specializing in quality interior and exterior work in Novato. Below is a layout of their business card.

Ute Scott-Smith | Identity Package
Ute Scott-Smith improves your financial life. Layout, design, and creation of a new website banner design and incorporation of the new brand to her business cards.

Dynamic Rabbits | Identity Package
Business Cards | Membership Cards
Dynamic Rabbits was a running group located in Agoura Hills for middle school and high school members.

Business Card Designs
small businesses | medium-sized companies| artist business cards