Nature's Persona - Places Series
White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Two words that I have to say about today is WINDY and SANDY. We ventured into the White Sands National Monument. I have never experienced anything like this before. It was beautiful and it was like being a beach full of white sand but no water. Hard to walk on and all the elements of what a desert would be like. Hot, sandy, sun beating down on you, and never ending.
We decided to take a loop on the Alkali Flat Trail. First off a bit of advice know how long the trail is. Both on the map and on the trail there was no indication on how long the loop was. It was 5 miles and it took us 2.5 hours to walk up, down and over the desert. Always travel in pairs. The wind was so bad and thick that at 2.5 miles on the flat plain we could not see our next marker. Luckily we found it by tag teaming the marker and each other. We were able to make it back to the car safely yet covered in sand from head to shoes and socks.
I have to say that the sands were beautiful. I was fascinated by the patterns that the wind made and the shadows the sun cast on the white sands. Footprints would disappear within minutes. Sand traveled throughout the air.
Towards the end of the hike Alex walked ahead as I continued at a slower pace. It gave me a chance to sing a couple of hymns as I walked through the desert literally feeling like I was the only person there (besides the shape of Alex 2 post markers in front of me). Wonderful afternoon even with the sunburn, the chapped lips, the crusted sand to my skin, and my camera covered in a layer of dust. Currently have no desire to go traveling to a sandy desert anytime soon.
Took over 300 photos today so tried to pair them down a bit here but it was hard. Enjoy. ~ March 21, 2011